Acronyms dictionary


What does GOTY mean?

GOTY is an acronym used in the gaming community and industry. It means Game of the Year. This is typically a list or a single game named at the end of the year by publications or fans of video-game entertainment.

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Examples of GOTY

My 2017 GOTY is: Street Fighter 3: Third Strike (ARC)
@MechaMacGyver, December, 2017
Detroit is certainly a GoTY contender for me. Honestly it’s a 5/5 or whatever you want to rate it, it’s everything I expected and wanted the game to be, then some. Very impressive.
@aevanko, May, 2018
But when a GOTY competitor comes along, you just kind of know, and that's the case with God of War. It's the sort of game that's hard to find fault with, but there's more to it than just a game that does everything expected of it and does it well.
Dave Thier, Forbes, April, 2018

Who uses GOTY?

Image result for GOTY

This is Xbox

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This is not meant to be a formal definition of GOTY like most terms we define on, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of GOTY that will help our users expand their word mastery.