Acronyms dictionary


[duhb-uhl-yoo es pee]

What does wsp mean?

The abbreviation wsp is short for what’s up.

Online and in texting, wsp is used as an abbreviation of the phrase what’s up. It is used for this purpose for all meanings of what’s up, such as when asking someone how they are doing or when confused about something. For example, a person may say wsp today friends? or I don’t know wsp with the weather today.

Example: They said the drinks were free and then charged me anyway. Wsp with that?

Where does wsp come from?

green white text WSP

The abbreviation wsp is short for what’s up.

Wsp has been used as an abbreviation of what’s up in texting and online since at least the early 2000s. Like many popular online abbreviations, wsp has possibly been used since the early days of the internet.



Examples of wsp

wsp people, how we doin
@MambaSZN, February 2, 2022
wsp with the Yankees and dodgers bro
@dandogg9, October 16, 2022

Who uses wsp?

Wsp is commonly used to mean what’s up both in texting and online.

Just Added

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This is not meant to be a formal definition of wsp like most terms we define on, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of wsp that will help our users expand their word mastery.