Pop Culture dictionary

Damp January

[ damp jan-yoo-er-ee ]

What is Damp January?

Damp January is an informal observance in which participants try to reduce the amount of alcohol they drink during the month of January.

Damp January is based on the earlier concept of Dry January, in which participants do not consume any alcohol in January. Damp January is a less intense version of Dry January. The goal is to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed rather than eliminate it completely.

Typically, a person sets their own goals for Damp January. For example, someone may limit drinking alcohol to one weekend day. Someone else may drink on any day but drink half as much as they normally do.

Damp January is an alternative for people who think that Dry January is too difficult or who don’t want to completely abstain from alcohol. The idea is that by not having to avoid alcohol completely, reducing consumption will be more achievable. Many experts agree that any decrease in alcohol consumption will have a positive effect on health.

Where does Damp January come from?

white blue text Damp January

The name Damp January is based on the earlier Dry January. While dry refers to a complete absence of alcohol, damp refers to less alcohol than a person would normally drink.

Damp January has been used as a term for an unsuccessful attempt at Dry January since at least 2013 and as a term for a less challenging version of Dry January since at least the mid-2010s.

Examples of Damp January

Damp January complete… Only drank seven times this month. Not too bad considering Mardi Gras, etc.
@ndrewmarin, January 31, 2024
Damp January works for many people because it’s not all or nothing. If your goal is to reduce your drinking by 30% and you fall a little short, that still counts as a success. If you find even small reductions in your drinking are impossible then that could signal the need for professional help.
Anahad O’Connor, The Philadelphia Tribune, January 3, 2024

Who uses Damp January?

Damp January is commonly viewed as a less-challenging alternative to Dry January.

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This is not meant to be a formal definition of Damp January like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of Damp January that will help our users expand their word mastery.