12 Short And Sweet Quotes From Haikus

question mark

the length of silence

after a loon’s call

Joyce Clement, Birds Punctuate the Days

love between us is

speech and breath. loving you is

a long river running.

Sonia Sanchez, Haiku [for you]

The light of a candle

  is transferred to another candle—

spring twilight.

Yosa Buson, The light of a candle

The bottoms of my shoes

are clean

From walking in the rain

Jack Kerouac, The bottoms of my shoes

The calm,

Cool face of the river

Asked me for a kiss.

Langston Hughes, Suicide’s Note

Among heart-shaped leaves

the white fish gleams, red tail.

Soft lotuses sleep.

Jennifer Wong, Koi

All the time I pray to Buddha

I keep on

killing mosquitoes.

Kobayashi Issa, all the time i pray to Buddha

In Kyoto,

hearing the cuckoo,

I long for Kyoto.

Matsuo Basho, In Kyoto…

Hammering a dent out of a bucket

a woodpecker

answers from the woods

Gary Snyder, A Dent in a Bucket

If not for the cat,

And the scarcity of cheese,

I could be content.

Jack Prelutsky, If Not for the Cat

Over the wintry

forest, winds howl in rage

with no leaves to blow.

Natsume Soseki

12 Short And Sweet Quotes From Haikus Locusts fly low

Over rice paddies

In the dim sunlight

Masaoka Shiki

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