Tag Archives: category-education

  1. How To Plan Out And Plan Ahead For Your Final Project

    By Ashley Austrew, Journalist and Writer Spring has arrived. The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and the due dates for those all-important end-of-term assignments are fast approaching. So far, we’ve provided some tips on getting ready for final exams and acing those final papers, but what if you’re taking a class that requires a final project? The scope of a final project is …

  2. How To Get A Head Start On Your Final Paper

    By Ashley Austrew, Journalist and Writer The end of the school year is coming up fast—as if you needed a reminder! Or do you need a reminder? Are you prepared for that end-of-year flurry of exams and those all-important final papers? Before you know it, it will be time for high school and college students to turn in their work—have you started yours yet? We …

  3. Prepare To Finish The School Year Strong With These Tips

    By Ashley Austrew, Journalist and Writer The end of the school year is coming up faster than you might think. Before you know it, final exams will be in full swing and many students will find themselves cramming late into the night to be ready for their big tests. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re reading this right now, there is …

  4. 5 Crafty Ways To Get Your Kid (And You) Into Poetry

    By Ashley Austrew If you’re a fan of poetry, you know how even the simplest of poems can be moving, challenging, and inspiring. It’s for these reasons that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared March 21 World Poetry Day in 1999, and it’s a holiday we’ve been celebrating since. For some, poetry is the language of love, beauty, and passion. But …

  5. Why You Shouldn’t Wait For Failing Grades To Hire A Tutor

    If your child is struggling in school or with online learning, a little help may be exactly what they need to get back on track. Many parents are watching their children’s educational journey firsthand, thanks to the rise in virtual schooling and hybrid school models over the past year, which is why some parents are starting to notice signs that their child is struggling even …

  6. Does Your Kid Need An Academic Coach? Find Out!

    With so many kids learning remotely, parents may be witnessing their child’s classroom struggles for the first time. But is an academic coach in order? A lot of parents have been getting a first-hand look at the way their child learns thanks to the rise in remote schooling since 2020. If you are not a trained academic or educator, it can be hard to tell …

  7. 8 Home Learning Tricks To Keep Your Kids Engaged 

    Call it remote learning, online learning, distance learning or homeschooling, there are millions of parents across the country whose children no longer head off to school but rather wake up within the walls of their virtual classroom. While there have always been those parents who choose homeschooling for their children’s education, the COVID-19 pandemic has chosen that option for many who never dreamed they’d (and …

  8. 9 Educational Games Even Your Kids Can’t Resist

    If you’re a parent who’s worried about your kids getting enough learning time right now, you aren’t alone. The pandemic has impacted kids in a major way, and most moms and dads are struggling to find ways to keep their kids engaged with distance learning and off of Nintendo Switch or Netflix for most of the day. One easy solution? Make learning fun by investing …

  9. 5 Mom-Tested Tips To Make Zoom Learning Work For Your Kid

    By now, remote learning has become many families’ new normal, but that doesn’t mean every kid is a fan. Many parents are still struggling to figure out how to use Zoom for class every day, let alone how to help their kids focus while they’re learning online. Being able to attend school in pajama pants certainly has its perks, but it can be hard for …

  10. stork carrying a baby bundle, on a green background.

    Words To Use To Explain Sex To Your Kids

    Salt-N-Pepa would approve of this list. But even if their song is stuck in your head (you know you’re singing “Let’s talk about sex!” now) actually talking about sex is anything but easy. It’s overwhelming to have “the talk” with your kids, which is why experts suggest having an ongoing conversation on the topics of sex, consent, and reproduction as they grow instead of having …

  11. How To Respond When Kids Say “No Fair”

    Spoiler alert: it is not by saying, “Yeah, well life’s not fair!” Children are not immune to the inequalities and injustices of the world. Sometimes they see more of what is going on around them than their parents and caregivers give them credit for. That being said, sometimes kids still respond to something as simple as not getting their way with cries of inequity. As …

  12. Why Do We Use Uppercase And Lowercase Letters?

    Learning to write is a major milestone, and your little one will inevitably have some questions about why we do things the way we do during the process. We’re here to help you answer them. For example, a beginning writer might want to know how the letter W developed (why is it called double-U?) and why Q so often needs U. Another question sure to pop up …