Tag Archives: interest-anatomy

  1. man holding chest, blue filter

    What Is The Medical Term For A Heart Attack?

    Nothing gets our blood pumping like using the dictionary and thesaurus to find cool new words. (Such excitement!) But we’ve got to keep those beats under control, as we’re about to share a medical term you may want to know. If you’re the kind of person who must keep a finger on the pulse of fancy medical jargon, then take a look below!  In medicine, …

  2. bruise on knee; green filter

    What Is The Medical Term For Bruise?

    While we try to be careful, many of us have suffered a bruise every now and again. Bruises can result from many sources, such as accidental contact with table legs or awkward meetings of thumbs and hammers. But, medically speaking, what exactly is a bruise, and what medical terms do the professionals use to talk about bruises?   A bruise is a discoloration that results from …