Tag Archives: interest-cursing

  1. Why Do We Use Symbols To Censor Swearwords?

    When the force of a swearword is too extreme (but some form of cuss must be used) symbolic stand-ins have long been used for lewdness. Suffice it to say, any emotional keyboard-striker can blurt out something that people perceive as a sub for swears. Whether it’s to diminish the force of swear, to get around censorship rules, or maybe just because symbols are @#$%ing cool to look at, …

  2. Where The Bleep Did That Curse Word Come From?

  3. Getty

    The Era Of Nerdy New Swearwords

    by Ashley Austrew Swearwords, these days, aren’t just more common than ever.  They are also more colorful. A quick warning: there will be a lot of strong language ahead.Douchnozzle, shitgibbon, cockwaffle—these unique swears are created by taking a common profanity and pairing it with an unlikely noun. And, they’re becoming so popular that The New York Times Magazine has dubbed the people who coin these …

  4. The Reasons to Swear. A Lot.

    Fair warning: The language here could get a little strong for some tastes. Raise your hand if you’ve ever slipped up and said a curse word in front of your boss, your grandma, or anyone else you probably shouldn’t have. We’re right there with you (totally raised our hands). Don’t be too hard on yourself. Swearing has a long history—words tend to stick around when …

  5. What’s The Difference Between Cussing, Swearing, And Cursing?

    It’s probably safe to assume that as long as humans have been speaking, we’ve been cussing and cursing. What can the connection between “curse,” “swear,” “cuss” and “profanity” tell us about all the words we aren’t supposed to say, yet say with great frequency? Cursing vs. cussing Placing a curse obviously isn’t the same as uttering curse words, but both concepts start with the Christian Church. …