Tag Archives: interest-drugs

  1. gray text indica vs sativa on marijuana leaf

    Indica vs. Sativa: There Is A Difference

    Marijuana dispensaries offer customers and patients a variety of options for either medical or recreational use. These decisions can be overwhelming for someone who’s not familiar with the industry lingo. One decision a consumer might have to make is what strain (“a group of plants distinguished from other plants of the variety to which it belongs by some intrinsic quality”) of cannabis to purchase. Although there …

  2. What’s Wrong With The Word “Addict”?

    The word addict has been around in English since at least the 1500s, adapted from the Latin addictus, meaning “assigned, surrendered.” But the way we talk about people with addiction is changing, and here at Dictionary.com, we’re changing along with it. In a major update to Dictionary.com, our lexicographers have replaced all instances of addict used as a noun with “a person addicted to” or …

  3. Getty

    Get High On This Smoking Slang

    “One toke over the line . . .” That 1971 hit by the duo Brewer and Shipley was written as a paean to marijuana. On Last.fm, Tom Shipley commented, “‘When we wrote ‘One Toke Over the Line,’ I think we were one toke over the line.” Back in that day, marijuana was lumped in with all sorts of drugs deemed to be forbidden. But now, …

  4. Getty

    Why Is Marijuana Also Called Pot?

    Weed. Mary Jane. Chronic. There are dozens of slang synonyms for marijuana. But one of the strangest is the word pot. How did the word for a common kitchen instrument become slang for marijuana? The origin of pot has nothing to do with the culinary tool. The word came into use in America in the late 1930s. It is a shortening of the Spanish potiguaya …