Tag Archives: interest-learning

  1. 8 Home Learning Tricks To Keep Your Kids Engaged 

    Call it remote learning, online learning, distance learning or homeschooling, there are millions of parents across the country whose children no longer head off to school but rather wake up within the walls of their virtual classroom. While there have always been those parents who choose homeschooling for their children’s education, the COVID-19 pandemic has chosen that option for many who never dreamed they’d (and …

  2. 9 Educational Games Even Your Kids Can’t Resist

    If you’re a parent who’s worried about your kids getting enough learning time right now, you aren’t alone. The pandemic has impacted kids in a major way, and most moms and dads are struggling to find ways to keep their kids engaged with distance learning and off of Nintendo Switch or Netflix for most of the day. One easy solution? Make learning fun by investing …

  3. 5 Mom-Tested Tips To Make Zoom Learning Work For Your Kid

    By now, remote learning has become many families’ new normal, but that doesn’t mean every kid is a fan. Many parents are still struggling to figure out how to use Zoom for class every day, let alone how to help their kids focus while they’re learning online. Being able to attend school in pajama pants certainly has its perks, but it can be hard for …

  4. Learning Shades of Meaning: Fun Ways To Teach Kids How Synonyms Work

    by Kimberly Murphy When you were in school, you were likely taught that synonyms are words with the same meaning. That definition, though, isn’t entirely accurate. Synonyms are words with the same or similar meanings, but there are important, nuanced differences in how they are used. Educators refer to these differences as shades of meaning. Let’s break down this concept some more—with some printable, hands-on …

  5. Easy As A, B, C: Fun Ways To Help Kids Learn Their Letters

    By Lindsay Barrett Parents, caregivers, and educators celebrate children’s mastery of the ABCs as an important milestone on the road to reading and writing. But, there’s much more to learning the alphabet than a cute rendition of the ABC song. Here’s the lowdown on the different aspects of learning about letters—and plenty of fun activities to help your children or students become alphabet experts. How …

  6. Learning Games For Elementary Students

    When it comes to elementary students, learning and fun need to go hand-in-hand. That’s why we’ve collected 14 ELA learning games for elementary kids that focus on vocabulary, reading, spelling, and writing. Play them as a family and learn something new, too! Family words! Make a word up that originates with you! Using letter blocks or letter refrigerator magnets, spell out the name of a …

  7. How To Make Learning Fun: Using Playtime To Build Literacy

    By Lindsay Barrett We all want our kids to learn what they need to be successful. But guess what most kids want to do? Play! And let’s face it: we adults want to play, too. But learning and playtime can, and should, happily overlap. A growing body of research highlights the many benefits of open-ended play activities like building, pretending, creating, and just getting all-around …

  8. Dictionary.com’s Daily Learning At Home ELA Activities

    Find Week 1, Week 2, & new Week 3 ELA learning resources for preschool, kindergarten, elementary, middle school, and high school students below.   As we all prepare to self-isolate, shelter in place, quarantine, hunker down at home, the time for interacting with our kids is upon us. And the fact that many parents are still working [from home] doesn’t make engaging with our kids …

  9. Words To Know When You’re Raising A Reader

  10. Dictionary.com’s Fifth Grade Homework Help Cheat Sheet

    Fifth grade is typically the final year of grade school, which means the lessons get cranked up a notch in preparation for middle school and beyond. Teachers ask students to delve deeper into subject matter, stretch their skills, and show more independence. The work is challenging but intriguing as they explore new concepts and develop their opinions about them. Fifth grade is also the year …

  11. 7 Word Games To Play With Your Elf On The Shelf

    The holiday season has finally arrived, which means it’s time for the Elf On The Shelf to make its triumphant return! Whether you’re a seasoned elf parent, or this is your very first year introducing the concept, chances are you’re looking for some creative elf activities to keep your kids entertained all December long. While there are certainly plenty of ways for the Elf On …

  12. Week 3: Daily ELA Learning Activities For Preschool And Kindergarten