Tag Archives: interest-school

  1. Asynchronous vs. Synchronous: What’s The Difference?

    The words synchronous and asynchronous have become part of our lives, especially when it comes to the forms of synchronous and asynchronous learning and working that have been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The terms are also used in other contexts, including in digital technology and in general, such as to differentiate forms of communication that happen in real time from those that don’t. We’ll …

  2. What Do These Common School Acronyms Mean?

    Schools are ground zero for alphabet soup—educators seemingly love to name things using acronyms. STEM, GPA, KWL. While all of this jargon can seem kind of daunting, it’s not too bad once you learn the ropes. And we are here to help. So, get out your pencil and notebook, raise your hand for roll call, and prepare for School Acronyms 101. STEM You may think …

  3. Words To Help You Explain Your Kid’s First Grade Homework

  4. Getty

    Words To Know For High School

  5. 10 Emoji Teachers And Students Can’t Live Without

  6. What Do The A, C, And T Of The ACT Test Mean?

    You probably know how it works: kids take the ACT or the SAT, learn their scores, then send the results to schools that will decide the fate of America’s youth. But, what do these test names actually mean? What is ACT short for? As for that trick question, since 1996, the ACT has been short for nothing. The test was developed in the 1950s as …