Tag Archives: interest-synonyms

  1. Learning Shades of Meaning: Fun Ways To Teach Kids How Synonyms Work

    by Kimberly Murphy When you were in school, you were likely taught that synonyms are words with the same meaning. That definition, though, isn’t entirely accurate. Synonyms are words with the same or similar meanings, but there are important, nuanced differences in how they are used. Educators refer to these differences as shades of meaning. Let’s break down this concept some more—with some printable, hands-on …

  2. It’s The First Thesaurus Treasure Hunt! 

  3. English Vocab Activities For Elementary Students

    Build your young child’s vocabulary with these fun learning activities focused on different types of vocab. You might even learn a new word or two as well! Learning about figurative language Figurative language is language that contains or uses figures of speech, especially metaphors. And a lot of figurative language is pretty funny when you look at it literally. Guess what the phrase dog days …

  4. Can Emoji Have Synonyms?

  5. Getty

    Kangaroo Words: Words That Contain Their Own Synonyms

  6. Getty

    Expressions For Epic Fails And Major Mistakes

  7. Not All Bad: 7 Ways “Bad” Can Be Good

    The word bad is well, just that. Its original meaning is still the most common one in use today: “not good in any manner or degree.” But, come on, we all know bad isn’t always a bad thing … in fact, using bad as a word of approval started in the 1890s and was popularized in the 1920s within the jazz scene. There’s even a quote …

  8. getty

    These Words Are Not Exactly Like One Another

  9. Words Built For Speed

  10. Globetrotter’s Glossary Of Travel Terms