Tag Archives: interest-tips

  1. young woman wearing headphones with a book in hand studying, blue filter.

    Get The Most Out Of Your Study Habits With These Tips

    Few things are more stressful than studying for a big, important test. There is so much information to review for an exam, and unfortunately, study skills aren’t something they actually teach in many schools. For a lot of us, studying is an exhausting process of trial and error, and it can be all too tempting to just skip it entirely and try to cram the …

  2. How To Plan Out And Plan Ahead For Your Final Project

    By Ashley Austrew, Journalist and Writer Spring has arrived. The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and the due dates for those all-important end-of-term assignments are fast approaching. So far, we’ve provided some tips on getting ready for final exams and acing those final papers, but what if you’re taking a class that requires a final project? The scope of a final project is …

  3. How To Get A Head Start On Your Final Paper

    By Ashley Austrew, Journalist and Writer The end of the school year is coming up fast—as if you needed a reminder! Or do you need a reminder? Are you prepared for that end-of-year flurry of exams and those all-important final papers? Before you know it, it will be time for high school and college students to turn in their work—have you started yours yet? We …

  4. Prepare To Finish The School Year Strong With These Tips

    By Ashley Austrew, Journalist and Writer The end of the school year is coming up faster than you might think. Before you know it, final exams will be in full swing and many students will find themselves cramming late into the night to be ready for their big tests. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re reading this right now, there is …