Tag Archives: interest-tipsandtricks

  1. Common Themes Will Help You Solve Your Crossword

    What do good parties and crossword puzzles have in common? Besides being fun, most of them have themes. The difference, however, is that while a party’s theme is usually announced via the invitation, a crossword’s themes are up to you to figure out on your own. There are two types of themes when it comes to crossword puzzles—overarching themes that are unique to each puzzle …

  2. How To Answer That Foreign Language Clue In Your Crossword

    You’re plodding along, filling in the squares in your crossword puzzle like a champ, when you see something a bit foreign … literally. It could be a clue containing a non-English phrase or, perhaps, the answer requires knowledge about a far and distant land. In any case, it doesn’t seem to be in your vocabulary.   Unless you’re a polyglot or frequent globetrotter, such clues …