Tag Archives: serp-essay

  1. This Writing Checklist Will Help You Ace Your Final Paper

    By Lyndsey Gresehover You’ve completed the brainstorming and research. You have created an essay outline that serves as your roadmap (or “skeleton” as some call it) and have even finished the writing. However, there is still one more equally important step to ensure your paper has all the required elements … your writing checklist. Checklists are tools we use in lots of things we do. …

  2. How To Get A Head Start On Your Final Paper

    By Ashley Austrew, Journalist and Writer The end of the school year is coming up fast—as if you needed a reminder! Or do you need a reminder? Are you prepared for that end-of-year flurry of exams and those all-important final papers? Before you know it, it will be time for high school and college students to turn in their work—have you started yours yet? We …