Tag Archives: slideshow

  1. Quacks and Other People Not To Be Trusted

  2. 8 Absurd Sayings Invented By “Family Guy” Characters

  3. 10 Modern Words That Shouldn’t Exist Anymore

  4. Hilariously Inappropriate Pick-Up Lines for Book Nerds

  5. Senior Idioms That Need Early Retirement

  6. Paranormal Activity: The Language of Ghastly Ghouls

  7. Know Your Ghosts or Get Spooked

  8. Outrageously Creative Costumes For Language Lovers

  9. Phrases Only New Englanders Know

  10. Words To Describe Those Weird Feelings We All Get

  11. The Slang of Suds: Know Your Beer!

    The microbrew/craft beer industry has exploded in recent years, offering both professionals and home brewers the opportunity to experiment and create beer that‘s probably a far cry from what Homer Simpson drinks down at Moe’s. While the beverage is nearly as old as civilization (it goes back to Mesopotamia, and is the oldest alcoholic drink), it’s definitely taken some interesting twists and turns. Here, we present some new beer terms you might want to know before you head out to your local craft brewer.

  12. Wacky Regionalisms: Different Word, Same Meaning