straight whiskey

  1. pure, unblended whiskey of 80 to 110 proof.

Origin of straight whiskey

An Americanism dating back to 1860–65

Words Nearby straight whiskey Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use straight whiskey in a sentence

  • straight whiskey tasted abominably and returned no reward for his efforts.

    The Boy Grew Older | Heywood Broun
  • This indulgence consisted not in rare sprees but in the persistent daily taking of large quantities of straight whiskey.

    Psychotherapy | James J. Walsh
  • I reckon straight whiskey is about ez good ez the next thing for blind chills.

    Cressy | Bret Harte
  • Now Stephen had never learned to like straight whiskey, but he took down his share without a face.

    The Crisis, Complete | Winston Churchill