Ali Pasha
[ ah-lee pah-shah ]
- Arslan, 1741–1822, Turkish pasha and ruler of Albania 1787?–1820.
Ali Pasha
/ ˈɑːliː ˈpɑːʃə /
- Ali Pasha17411822MTurkishAlbanianPOLITICS: hereditary ruler known as the Lion of Janina. 1741–1822, Turkish pasha and ruler of Albania (1787–1820), who was deposed and assassinated after intriguing against Turkey
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Example Sentences
A few paces above the bridge, stands the palace of the governor, and the citadel, which was built by order of Ali Pasha.
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Ali Pasha drew his sword and this time Banfy saved his life only by a skilful spring to one side.
From Project Gutenberg
A year or two later, becoming dissatisfied, they passed over into Albania, and took service with Ali Pasha.
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Galt says that what he relates of his visit to Ali Pasha has all the freshness and life of a scene going on under one's own eye.
From Project Gutenberg
Ali Pasha very fittingly fell a victim to a conspiracy of those whom he had injured in one way or another.
From Project Gutenberg