black ice
- a thin sheet of ice, as on a road surface, usually caused by freezing mist and creating hazardous driving conditions.
- Oceanography. sea ice that is clear enough to show the color of the water underneath.
black ice
- a thin transparent layer of new ice on a road or similar surface
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Word History and Origins
Origin of black ice1
An Americanism dating back to 1820–30
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Example Sentences
Near the door thousands of stilettos slide and shuffle on black ice, somehow always keeping their immaculate balance.
From The Daily Beast
She halted again and looked at me and at the back of her great eyes gleamed black ice.
From Project Gutenberg
Night fell; the sky became clear as black ice; the dim seas resembled a lair of white bears at play.
From Project Gutenberg
The laugh is still, the noise has fled, and the first sound of the skate on the black ice seems almost a desecration.
From Project Gutenberg
Beyond this we came to a second and wider sheet of hard black ice falling away steeply towards the Sasso Bisolo Glacier.
From Project Gutenberg
The slope, which we found hard black ice, was then snow, and was very soon disposed of.
From Project Gutenberg