clear channel
- a radio broadcast channel cleared for long-distance broadcasting during nighttime hours.
- a broadcast channel free of undesirable interference.
Other Words From
- clear-channel adjective
Example Sentences
In 2008, he signed a contract with Clear Channel worth $400 million.
And in June, he inked a five-year radio deal with Clear Channel worth an astonishing $100 million.
Clear Channel awarded Limbaugh an eight-year, $400 million contract when the Bain/Lee acquisition closed.
Clear Channel director Steven D. Barnes and his wife, Deborah, have given $346,200 to Romney, also starting in 1994.
Like so many others on the Clear Channel board, Abrams and Shepherd began giving to Romney in the 1990s.
And, as they forced the boat through a clump of reeds and into a clear channel, something monstrous snorted near them.
The two first were almost choked up with the trunks of trees, but the last had a clear channel.
To the east the little harbor opened a clear channel between lines of creaming breakers to the deep blue and green of the ocean.
There was a steeper slope in front, but a clear channel, the waves not high but wallowing inward 252 toward the centre.
We observed the sea breaking over the reef, but there was a clear channel between it and the shore.