


abbreviation for

  1. Law. today's date.



abbreviation for

  1. delayed delivery.
  2. delivered.
  3. demand draft.
  4. Shipbuilding. dry dock. dry-dock.



abbreviation for

  1. Biology, Ecology. data deficient ( def ).
  2. damage dealer: (in a video game) a category of job classes in a role-playing game, best suited to inflict large amounts of damage to an enemy: Also DPS healer ( def 3 ), tank ( def 4 ).

    If you need a DD, I have a level 49 Warrior, or a level 45 Hunter—if a ranged attack would be better.

  3. dear/darling daughter (used, especially by women, in digital communications to refer to one's daughter):

    DD moving into her own apt today!



abbreviation for

  1. delivered.



abbreviation for

, Commerce.
  1. days after date.



abbreviation for

  1. demand draft.
  2. Doctor of Divinity.


abbreviation for

  1. Alsodd direct debit
  2. Doctor of Divinity
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of dd1

From Latin dē datō
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Example Sentences

As of 2012, there are over 523,000 people across the country on Medicaid waiver lists; over 309,000 of those people have I/DD.

Barbra Driskill-Scherer is the mother of 9-year-old Gunnar, who has I/DD.

The Duplex Drive (called DD) was one: an amphibious conversion which could be fitted to a normal Sherman tank.

Lucky Yates summed him up perfectly, with a DD reference, calling him “chaotic neutral.”

And, yes, that DOES sound like the ramblings of a DD loving adolescent who just consumed his first pot brownie.

The dimensions of the four-, six- and eight-cylinder types “D” and “DD” are all the same.

The wires b, c are led through a gas pipe B; this also serves to adjust the meter to any required position on the wooden rod dd.

A cylindrical sole plate dd extends between the shrouds on the inner side.

I am angry almost; but I won't, 'cause see im a dood dallar in odle sings; iss, and so im DD too.

And DD shall be repaid her t'other book; but patience, all in good time: you are so hasty, a dog would, etc.



