

View synonyms for durability


[ door-uh-bil-i-tee, dyoor- ]


  1. the ability to last over time, resisting wear, breakage, deterioration, etc.:

    Those who own this make of car really can't complain, given the high quality, dependability, and durability of their product lines.

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Other Words From

  • un·du·ra·bil·i·ty noun
  • un·du·ra·ble·ness noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of durability1

First recorded in 1350–1400; Latin dūrābili(s) + -tās noun suffix; durable ( def ), -ty 2( def )
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Example Sentences

Below are some of the most durable, effective dish towels you can buy.

Like some of its more expensive competitors, it also includes reinforced handles and durable zippers on its exterior.

Available in men’s and women’s styles, it’s constructed from Australian merino wool, with durable reinforced seams to help it last through any adventure.

Made specifically for gamers, it is extremely durable and can handle the intensity of long-term gameplay.

Matador is known for its ultralight but durable and waterproof duffels and backpacks, and the SEG42 follows suit.

One way of measuring the durability of an airplane is to check how many of those built are still flying.

Last year he proved that he still has electric ability, but his inconsistency and durability concerns are worse than ever.

The most important aspects have yet to be decided on, like the material, which will have to undergo a series of durability tests.

Charm explains the durability of certain books, where the characters and plots are still secondary to the lives they reveal.

Long into the future, the printed book will continue to survive because of its portability, durability, and flexibility.

In point of durability, sabutan mats would be superior to all others produced in the Islands if woven of double straws.

All these must be built with due reference to durability, convenience, and beauty.

As colour itself is relative, so is durability of colour relative.

Pentewan stone has a good name for hardness and durability; its qualities are well shown in the tower of St. Austell Church.

There was a diversity of opinion in the convention about the durability of the Union.




