abbreviation for
- equine infectious anaemia
Example Sentences
Last year, the UK-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) took a closer look at the tiger trade in China.
EIA found that some companies are issued licenses to breed endangered animals, including the South China Tiger.
“The fuel economics look very favorable,” said Nicholas Chase, an economist at EIA.
Numbers from the EIA report show that only 11 percent of the oil the U.S. used in March came from sources outside the U.S.
According to the EIA, by contrast, solar accounted for a mere .04 percent of electricity generation in 2011.
Shi mergina c'a lipit de unul din lkuitoriĭ criĭ ac'eia: si 'l a trimis pre el la earinide sale c pask porc'iĭ.
There she sat, caressing the woollen bundle, and in a low voice singing her "Eia Popeia" to the child of her fantasy.
Aloha ino oe, eia ihonei paha oe e make ai, he ai mainei Pele, Compassion great to you!
St. Eia was a little town where visitors often came, and thus he would be able to do his work unhindered and unsuspected.