

Espíritu Santo

[ Spanish e--spee-ree-too sahn-taw ]


  1. a volcanic island in the Vanuatu island chain, in the South Pacific. 1,485 sq. mi. (3,846 sq. km).

Espíritu Santo

/ ɛsˈpɪrɪtuː ˈsæntəʊ /


  1. an island in the SW Pacific: the largest and westernmost of the Vanuatu islands. Area: 4856 sq km (1875 sq miles)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Example Sentences

Use the hotel as a base camp to visit the seal colony of Los Islotes island, the uninhabited beaches of Espíritu Santo, and the Caribbean-blue waters of Balandra Bay by day.

But when we arrived there everything led us to believe that we were in the southern land of Espiritu Santo.

Espiritu Santo, a small maritime province with a bay and port of the same name, north of Rio de Janeiro.

The south-eastern point is called Cape Espiritu Santo; the distance between the two capes being about twenty-two miles.

The largest island is Espiritu Santo, about 107 x 57 km., with 4900 km.

The name Australia del Espiritu Santo was given by him to this new land, when flushed with the success of his discovery.





Espírito Santoesplanade