free gift
- something given away, esp as an incentive to a purchaser
Example Sentences
After Draughn called, he said, the charity apologized and promised to send him a free gift.
OWS has argued that their tax-free status somehow magically makes this obligation go away, and that anyway, it's a tax-free gift.
There was never anyone who rose to the understanding of what he really wanted—a free gift, for the sake of his art.
They had therefore agreed to work upon my road as a free gift.
Also they gave us roughage fur our hosses and wouldn't take pay fur none of it, indicatin' by signs that it was all a free gift.
But the theory of “a free gift of a free people” expounded by Mr. Asquith in Dublin fell more and more into the background.
The homestead law, as finally adopted in 1862, granted one hundred and sixty acres as a free gift to every settler.