

View synonyms for Golconda


[ gol-kon-duh ]


  1. a ruined city in S India, near the modern city of Hyderabad: capital of a former Muslim kingdom; famous for its diamond cutting.
  2. (often lowercase) a rich mine or other source of great wealth.


/ ɡɒlˈkɒndə /


  1. a ruined town and fortress in S central India, in W Andhra Pradesh near Hyderabad city: capital of one of the five Muslim kingdoms of the Deccan from 1512 to 1687, then annexed to the Mogul empire; renowned for its diamonds
  2. sometimes not capital a source of wealth or riches, esp a mine
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Example Sentences

Golconda was reached on the evening of the following day—four hundred and seventy-eight miles from San Francisco.

The marquis did not reply; he was overwhelmed by what he beheld; it seemed to him that he saw the treasures of Golconda.

For, of course, when one hears of Golconda one is bound to think it good, failing evidence to the contrary.

Mr. Camperdown assured him that no diamonds more real had ever come from Golconda, or passed through Mr. Garnett's hands.

Then followed the visit to Golconda and its tombs of wax-like Jaypur marble, with their arabesqued cupolas and lacery in stone.





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