growth factor
- any of various proteins that promote the growth, organization, and maintenance of cells and tissues.
growth factor
- any of several substances present in serum that induce growth of cells. Excessive amounts of growth factor may be associated with the production of cancer cells
Example Sentences
Nerve Growth Factor was the first of several growth factors discovered by scientists, and these factors are now known to have critical roles in nervous system wiring and also in cancer.
In 1986, Levi-Montalcini and Cohen were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of growth factors.
The pathway in worms is called insulin-like growth factor signaling, and once that pathway is suppressed, both milk production stops and the lifespan extends.
Researchers were finding that microbes produced vitamins, nutrients, and growth factors, vital to ecosystems’ health.
In 1946, she was granted a fellowship at Washington University where she replicated her earlier work, and eventually won the Nobel Prize for her discovery of nerve growth factor.
The latter may or may not have a sufficiently high growth factor.
As a group, they possessed a growth factor forcing them beyond the confines of the culture in which they lived.