


[ hur-kuh-mer ]


  1. Nicholas, 1728–77, American Revolutionary general.

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Example Sentences

Despite the couple’s pleas, Herkimer was not taken to the vet until Grashorn’s supervisor arrived at the scene about eight minutes later, according to court records.

When Love asked Grashorn if they could take Herkimer to the vet, he replied, “Ma’am, you’re not going to be able to help him,” the video shows.

The officer then pointed his gun at Herkimer, who continued running toward him, before he shot the dog once in the head and once in the body.

That’s when out of “excitement,” Herkimer jumped out of the truck’s back seat and ran toward the officer to greet him, the lawsuit states.

Herkimer fell to the ground instantly as Love came to his aid, video shows.

You would find the same consonants in the County of Herkimer.

Herkimer remained obstinately silent during the rest of the dinner.

Herkimer relented before the familiar rush of enthusiasm and questions, and the conversation began on a natural footing.

Herkimer was the best man, and the Quarter attended in force, with much outward enthusiasm.

"I am very proud of my husband, Mr. Herkimer," she said with a little bob of her head in which was a sense of proprietorship.




