
[ in-tend ]
See synonyms for: intendintendedintendingintends on

verb (used with object)
  1. to have in mind as something to be done or brought about; plan: We intend to leave in a month.

  2. to design or mean for a particular purpose, use, recipient, etc.: a fund intended for emergency use only.

  1. to design to express or indicate, as by one's words; refer to.

  2. (of words, terms, statements, etc.) to mean or signify.

  3. Archaic. to direct (the eyes, mind, etc.).

verb (used without object)
  1. to have a purpose or design.

  2. Obsolete. to set out on one's course.

Origin of intend

First recorded in 1250–1300; from Latin intendere “to aim, assert, stretch out”; equivalent to in-2 + tend1; replacing Middle English entenden, from Old French entendre, from Latin, as above

synonym study For intend

1. Intend, mean, design, propose imply knowing what one wishes to do and setting this as a goal. To intend is to have in mind something to be done or brought about: No offense was intended. Mean is a less formal word than intend but otherwise a close synonym: He means to go away. Design implies planning to effect a particular result: to design a plan for Christmas decorations. Propose suggests setting up a program for oneself or offering it to others for consideration: We propose to beautify our city.

Other words for intend

Other words from intend

  • in·tend·er, noun
  • mis·in·tend, verb
  • pre·in·tend, verb (used with object) Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use intend in a sentence

  • Next to beat bean, next to beat bean next to be blender, next to between, next to between in intend intender.

    Geography and Plays | Gertrude Stein

British Dictionary definitions for intend


/ (ɪnˈtɛnd) /

  1. (may take a clause as object) to propose or plan (something or to do something); have in mind; mean

  2. (tr often foll by for) to design or destine (for a certain purpose, person, etc): that shot was intended for the President

  1. (tr) to mean to express or indicate: what do his words intend?

  2. (intr) to have a purpose as specified; mean: he intends well

  3. (tr) archaic to direct or turn (the attention, eyes, etc)

Origin of intend

C14: from Latin intendere to stretch forth, give one's attention to, from tendere to stretch

Derived forms of intend

  • intender, noun

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