


[ jee-nee ]


  1. a female given name, form of Jean.

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But in 2001, at the Miss Philippines competition, Jeannie Anderson put all other vain contestants to shame.

Hernandez was followed by Jeannie Suk, a professor at Harvard Law School who has studied innovation in the fashion industry.

"It took us all a long time to heal from that," said Jeannie Bohn.

Tommy, his sister Kathleen, and Jerri's friend Jeannie were by her side.

She and Jeannie were planning a trip to the Arctic Circle to follow some nomadic reindeer herders.

But how will the girls, Sarah and Jeannie, fancy being sent off so?

I shall be obliged to leave Shrewsbury and all my friends there to-morrow morning, Jeannie.

As to Jeannie, she is satisfied to be with her sister anywhere.

Jeannie laughed and blushed until her cheeks matched the grenadine.

"Fat's this I hear ye're gaun to dee, Jeannie," said an Aberdeen lass to another young woman.





JeannetteJean Paul