[ zhoor-dahn ]
- Jean Bap·tiste [zhah, n, b, a, -, teest], Count, 1762–1833, French marshal.
Example Sentences
Let Jourdan Dunn be the first of many—not an island, or badge of self-congratulation.
Jourdan Dunn is the first sole black woman to feature on a British ‘Vogue’ cover in 12 years.
When it was announced that Jourdan Dunn would be the first black model to cover British Vogue in twelve years it made me sad.
“We received excellent cooperation from the parties, Charles Jourdan and DSW,” Lewin said.
[Styleite] Christian Louboutin and Charles Jourdan Settle Suit: Here we go again.
Charleroi surrendered to the French under Jourdan, seven days after the trenches had been opened.
A Jacobin, Jourdan, led them, and had collected under guard dozens of scared bourgeois and some women.
I got up and went in after the Jourdan mob with the people who were crowding in to see what would happen.
The terrible example set by Jourdan late in '91 was received in Paris with other than reprobation.
General Jourdan publicly proclaimed the assistance he had received from aeronautic observations.