
or leu·co·pe·ni·a

[ loo-kuh-pee-nee-uh ]

  1. a decrease in the number of white blood cells in the blood.

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Origin of leukopenia

1895–1900; <New Latin leucopenia, equivalent to leuco-leuko- + Greek penía poverty, akin to pénesthai to be poor, toil; see -ia
  • Also called leu·ko·cy·to·pe·ni·a [loo-kuh-sahy-tuh-pee-nee-uh]. /ˌlu kəˌsaɪ təˈpi ni ə/.

Other words from leukopenia

  • leu·ko·pe·nic, adjective

Words Nearby leukopenia

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use leukopenia in a sentence

  • There is decided decrease of hemoglobin and red corpuscles, with moderate leukopenia and relative lymphocytosis.

    A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis | James Campbell Todd
  • It was the beginning stages, the harsh cough, the slight temperature, the leukopenia.

    Pandemic | Jesse Franklin Bone
  • Decrease in number of leukocytes, or leukopenia, is not important.

    A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis | James Campbell Todd
  • For in infectious diseases hyperleucocytosis is very common; and a transient leukopenia is equally rare.

    Histology of the Blood | Paul Ehrlich
  • We have mentioned this case here, because it is remarkable as an extreme leukopenia never before observed.

    Histology of the Blood | Paul Ehrlich