[ lahy-uh-nl ]
Example Sentences
And the geek, Lionel (Tyler James Williams), is a closeted gay who finds himself alienated by blacks and whites.
It was nice to write Lionel Asbo because it was very much in the present.
Journey, Billy Joel, and Lionel Ritchie are better than you think.
Lionel Trilling routinely hailed Hemingway and Faulkner, F.R. Leavis venerated D.H. Lawrence.
Lionel Trilling was the first Jew who had ever been made a member of the English faculty at Columbia.
Lionel Wafer in his travels upon the Isthmus of Darien in 1699 saw the plant growing and cultivated by the natives.
But he will put himself in the right at once, and ask Lionel to make friends again; he will consent readily enough—he always does.
Whatever they quarrelled about Wilfred is very sure that he was the offender; Lionel never begins that kind of thing.
We live here still, Lionel and I, in the same old house,' and she indicates the house next door; 'he will be home very soon.
Lionel had wandered from the summer-house, and stood on a broad stone near the edge of the wall.