
[ ber-net, bur-nit ]

  1. any of several plants belonging to the genera Sanguisorba and Poterium, of the rose family, having pinnate leaves and dense heads of small flowers.

Origin of burnet

1225–75; Middle English <Middle French burnete, variant of brunete (see brunet); so called from its hue

Words Nearby burnet

Other definitions for Burnet (2 of 2)

[ ber-net, bur-nit ]

  1. Sir (Frank) Mac·far·lane [muhk-fahr-luhn], /məkˈfɑr lən/, 1899–1985, Australian physician: Nobel Prize in Physiology 1960.

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use burnet in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for burnet (1 of 2)


/ (ˈbɜːnɪt) /

  1. a plant of the rosaceous genus Sanguisorba (or Poterium), such as S. minor (or P. sanguisorba) (salad burnet), which has purple-tinged green flowers and leaves that are sometimes used for salads

  2. burnet rose or Scotch rose a very prickly Eurasian rose, Rosa pimpinellifolia, with white flowers and purplish-black fruits

  1. burnet saxifrage a Eurasian umbelliferous plant of the genus Pimpinella, having umbrella-like clusters of white or pink flowers

  2. a moth of the genus Zygaena, having red-spotted dark green wings and antennae with enlarged tips: family Zygaenidae

Origin of burnet

C14: from Old French burnete, variant of brunete dark brown (see brunette); so called from the colour of the flowers of some of the plants

British Dictionary definitions for Burnet (2 of 2)


/ (bəˈnɛt, ˈbɜːnɪt) /

  1. Gilbert . 1643–1715, Scottish bishop and historian, who played a prominent role in the Glorious Revolution (1688–89); author of The History of My Own Times (2 vols: 1724 and 1734)

  2. Sir (Frank) Macfarlane (məkˈfɑːlən). 1899–1985, Australian physician and virologist, who shared a Nobel prize for physiology or medicine in 1960 with P. B. Medawar for their work in immunology

  1. Thomas . 1635–1715, English theologian who tried to reconcile science and religion in his Sacred theory of the Earth (1680–89)

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