


[ muh-ley-uh ]


  1. Fed·er·a·tion of Ma·lay·a. a former federation of 11 states in the southern part of the Malay Peninsula: a British protectorate 1948–57; now forms part of Malaysia. 50,690 sq. mi. (131,287 sq. km). : Kuala Lumpur. Formerly Ma·lay States,. Malaysia ( def 1 ).


/ məˈleɪə /


  1. States of the Federation of Malaya
    part of Malaysia, in the S Malay Peninsula, constituting Peninsular Malaysia: consists of the former Federated Malay States, the former Unfederated Malay States, and the former Straits Settlements. Capital: Kuala Lumpur. Pop: 17 144 322 (2000). Area: 131 587 sq km (50 806 sq miles)
  2. Federation of Malaya
    a federation of the nine Malay States of the Malay Peninsula and two of the Straits Settlements (Malacca and Penang): formed in 1948: became part of the British Commonwealth in 1957 and joined Malaysia in 1963
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Larry and Ken consulted with the neighbors and by the time they applied for their restaurant liquor license for Straits of Malaya, the neighbors cheered.

Starks said she had hoped to give Nevaeh and her siblings — Malaya, 9, and Sean, 8 — a piano years ago but she didn’t know how she would pay for it.

Perhaps the best direct comparison is between the French in Indochina (1945-1954) and the British in Malaya (1948-1960).

Among the plant-treasure from India, Australia and Malaya were large numbers of epiphytic orchids.

Some years later I was amused to receive a letter from a gentleman who was, if I remember, a schoolmaster somewhere in Malaya.

Some are disposed to trace it to the Sanskrit word malaya, while others prefer to regard it as a purely native word.

Malaya is mentioned in the Puranas as a mountain in which the Godavari and other rivers take their rise.

Besides signifying a range of mountains, Malaya has the secondary meaning of a garden.




