


[ muh-kahr-thee ]


  1. Cor·mac Charles Joseph McCarthy, Jr., [kawr, -mak, ‑m, uh, k], 1933–2023, U.S. novelist noted for stark, often brutal depictions of the human condition.
  2. Joseph R(aymond), 1909–57, U.S. senator whose fervor for rooting out communist sympathizers was associated with highly divisive and controversial practices.
  3. Joseph Vincent, 1887–1978, U.S. baseball manager: Baseball Hall of Fame 1957.
  4. Mary (Therese), 1912–89, U.S. novelist and memoirist.


/ məˈkɑːθɪ /


  1. McCarthyCormac1933MUSWRITING: novelistWRITING: writer Cormac. born 1933, US writer; his novels include Suttree (1979), Blood Meridian (1985), All the Pretty Horses (1992), No Country for Old Men (2005) and The Road (2006)
  2. McCarthyJoseph R(aymond)19081957MUSPOLITICS: politician Joseph R ( aymond ). 1908–57, US Republican senator, who led (1950-54) the notorious investigations of alleged Communist infiltration into the US government
  3. McCarthyMary (Therese)19121989FUSWRITING: novelistWRITING: critic Mary ( Therese ). 1912–89, US novelist and critic; her works include The Group (1963)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Example Sentences

McCarthy says that Aboriginal people are avid consumers of social media, particularly Facebook.

From Time

McCarthy said, adding that each goat is labeled with their name when entering a call because they each have a particular personality.

More recently, McCarthy defended Greene against efforts to remove her from committees.

Republican leadership discussed potential committee moves for Greene, but ultimately McCarthy decided to let it go to a vote, effectively signaling he — and the members he leads — would defend Greene’s place in the party.

From Vox

McCarthy has refused to take decisive action to discipline Greene and signal what is and isn’t acceptable in Republican politics.

From Time

Cormac McCarthy once said that a novel can “encompass all the various disciplines and interests of humanity.”

Sxities icon Eugene McCarthy spent his final years warning about the negative impact of unfettered immigration.

Such was the corrosive paranoia of the time, fueled by McCarthy and abetted by Hoover.

Spirituality, after all, is not as marketable as sex appeal, so maybe the media-savvy McCarthy is exposing a true vulnerability.

McCarthy, who used to self-identify as a Democrat, now calls herself an Independent.

Reverend McCarthy, one of the oldest, and regarded as one of the strongest, one of the ablest ministers to such a forsaken charge.

The detective went downstairs and talked with Mrs. McCarthy a few minutes, and then took his leave.

Mr. McCarthy (Wisconsin): On certain minor injuries, would you say that was true?

Dr. McCarthy: Do you think it will make the employer more careful?

Dr. McCarthy: Do you want the election before or after the accident?





McCarran-Walter ActMcCarthyism