
or mouch

[ mooch ]
See synonyms for mooch on
verb (used with object)
  1. to borrow (a small item or amount) without intending to return or repay it.

  2. to get or take without paying or at another's expense; sponge: He always mooches cigarettes.

  1. to beg.

  2. to steal.

verb (used without object)
  1. to skulk or sneak.

  2. to loiter or wander about.

  1. Also moocher. a person who mooches.

Origin of mooch

1425–75; late Middle English, apparently variant of Middle English michen<Old French muchier to skulk, hide Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use mooch in a sentence

  • However, Brunner was not the only perpetrator of the Holocaust mooching around the streets of the Syrian capital.

    Hitler’s Henchmen in Arabia | Guy Walters | December 7, 2014 | THE DAILY BEAST
  • You be mooching round down by the big peppermint-tree near the river-gate, say about half-past ten.'

  • This is a grand, free life, a sight better than mooching around the city.

  • A caterpillar mooching along the schoolroom aisle—clearly sent by Providence.

    Ptomaine Street | Carolyn Wells
  • There was, Mrs. Mangan was pleased to observe, no mooching about her daughter.

    Mount Music | E. Oe. Somerville and Martin Ross

British Dictionary definitions for mooch


/ (muːtʃ) /

  1. (intr often foll by around) to loiter or walk aimlessly

  2. (intr) to behave in an apathetic way

  1. (intr) to sneak or lurk; skulk

  2. (tr) to cadge

  3. (tr) mainly US and Canadian to steal

Origin of mooch

C17: perhaps from Old French muchier to skulk

Derived forms of mooch

  • moocher, noun

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