[ noo-rot-uh-siz-uhm, nyoo- ]
- the state of having traits or symptoms characteristic of neurosis.
Word History and Origins
Origin of neuroticism1
Example Sentences
Based on those responses, neuroticism overall in the United States dropped slightly in 2020, during the first year of the pandemic.
Across all movies in the dataset, plot keywords such as “mental illness,” “ghost,” “serial killer,” and “insanity” were among the strongest predictors of fans’ neuroticism.
Likewise, movie plots with psychological themes of death and anxiety predicted high neuroticism among fans of those movies.
Delgado found that respondents who said they preferred cats tended to be higher in openness and neuroticism, while self-identified dog people tended towards more extroversion and agreeableness.
In men, but not women, neuroticism was positively correlated and masculinity negatively correlated with crying.
Wilson found that the risk of death doubled in those with a neuroticism score in the top 10 percent.
Somewhat less obvious were findings concerning the relationship between neuroticism and longevity.
But the constant auto-illusion must always lead to neuroticism and pathology—the hidden fears.
He'd never heard of any marriage maintaining such a crazy high romantic level of manic neuroticism as this for very long.
Irregularity and pain in menstruation are a frequent cause of neuroticism.
I recollect that I offered a defense of psycopathic neuroticism.