olla podrida
[ ol-uh puh-dree-duh; Spanish aw-lyah paw-three-thah, aw-yah ]
- a spicy Spanish stew of sausage and other meat, chickpeas, and often tomatoes and other vegetables.
- an incongruous mixture or miscellany; olio.
olla podrida
/ pɒˈdriːdə; poˈðriða /
- a Spanish dish, consisting of a stew with beans, sausages, etc
- an assortment; miscellany
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Word History and Origins
Origin of olla podrida1
1590–1600; < Spanish: literally, rotten pot
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Word History and Origins
Origin of olla podrida1
literally: rotten pot
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Example Sentences
Gwynne went into the kitchen, and Mariana, who was peeling onions for an olla podrida, screamed and embraced him.
From Project Gutenberg
I desire I may have an olla podrida, a bit of something from every one, without delay.
From Project Gutenberg
I have seen Carmen, eaten olla podrida, and adored the Russian ballet in the cachuca!'
From Project Gutenberg
At last mother had an idea, and she made a sort of Spanish stew—what they call an olla podrida, you know.
From Project Gutenberg
He was not long in placing a very fairly concocted olla-podrida before us.
From Project Gutenberg