


[ paw-nee ]


, plural Paw·nees, (especially collectively) Paw·nee
  1. a member of a confederacy of North American Plains Indians of Caddoan stock formerly located along the Platte River valley, Nebraska, and now living in northern Oklahoma.
  2. the Caddoan language of the Pawnee Indians.


/ pɔːˈniː /


  1. -nees-nee a member of a confederacy of related North American Indian peoples, formerly living in Nebraska and Kansas, now chiefly in Oklahoma
  2. the language of these peoples, belonging to the Caddoan family
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Her grandfather had been a physician and healer who—according to family lore—married a descendant of the Osage or Pawnee tribes.

Pawnee said farewell to the aggressively healthy Chris Traeger and tropical fish Ann Perkins.

They had all shared a common fate long before reaching that towering and legendary land-mark of Pawnee Rock.

Aware that the Sioux were distancing them, the Pawnee hunters were shouting encouragement to their tribesmen.

White Otter shot his arrow at the foremost rider, and the Pawnee fell to the plain.

They soon drew away from the exhausted ponies of the Pawnee hunters, but the scouts kept close beside them.

He spoke in loud tones, and Little Raven, who had been a captive in the Pawnee camp, understood many of his words.





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