1[ peep ]
verb (used without object)
- to look through a small opening or from a concealed location.
- to look slyly, pryingly, or furtively.
- to look curiously or playfully.
- to come partially into view; begin to appear:
the first crocuses peeping through the snow-covered ground.
verb (used with object)
- to show or protrude slightly.
- a quick or furtive look or glance.
- the first appearance, as of dawn.
- an aperture for looking through.
2[ peep ]
- any of various small sandpipers.
- a slight sound or remark, especially in complaint:
I don't want to hear a peep out of any of you!
3[ peep ]
- Jeep.
1/ piːp /
- (esp of young birds) to utter shrill small noises
- to speak in a thin shrill voice
- a peeping sound
- any of various small sandpipers of the genus Calidris (or Erolia ) and related genera, such as the pectoral sandpiper
2/ piːp /
- to look furtively or secretly, as through a small aperture or from a hidden place
- to appear partially or briefly
the sun peeped through the clouds
- a quick or furtive look
- the first appearance
the peep of dawn
Word History and Origins
Origin of peep2
Origin of peep3
Word History and Origins
Origin of peep1
Origin of peep2
Idioms and Phrases
see hear a peep out of .Synonym Study
Example Sentences
Instead, Mayor Todd Gloria took over in December, and his first 100 days passed without a peep about the project.
Nadal didn’t utter a peep but took his seat, changed his shirt and sent a clutch of rackets off the court for restringing.
Marijuana advanced toward final passage with not even a peep from Republicans, a small number of whom might wind up supporting it.
Currant-studded Chelsea buns sparkle under a sugary crust, and mincemeat filling peeps from the slashed tops of Eccles cakes.
Then again, the younger crowd might prefer older peeps don’t download the app anyway.
This film elicited complaints from some on the left, but not a peep from the right.
Not a peep from LaPierre on this extended assault on citizens of Ferguson, at least that I can find.
This open secrecy served its purpose, says Peep Ehasalu, communications manager for the hotel.
Ernst responded by accusing Braley of sexism because his ad, which featured a baby bird not making a peep, had a “chick” in it.
There are 200 mosquitos from New Delhi caught and killed mid-bite, peep-show coins, and artifacts of daily life in North Korea.
No notice being taken of the taps, the unseen visitor, after a short lapse, ventured to open the door and peep in.
No doubt, even in these choking circumstances, childish feeling may now and again peep out.
Yuh want t' keep your eye glued t' that peep-glass in the mornin', and not overlook no motions.
Every hundred yards or so I had a close peep at the ground in front through de Lisle's periscope.
"I was watching you through my little peep-hole—as you saw," he began, with a pleasant smile, advancing to shake hands.
Related Words
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.