[ jifor, sometimes, gif ]
- a set of standards and file format for storage of digital color images and short animations.
- a file or image stored in this format.
verb (used with object)
- to create a static or animated GIF from (an image or set of images):
She GIFFed her favorite actor having a good laugh and posted it on her blog.
/ ɡɪf /
- a standard compressed file format used for pictures
- a picture held in this format
Pronunciation Note
Word History and Origins
Origin of GIF1
Word History and Origins
Origin of GIF1
Example Sentences
“What The Little Mermaid Taught Us About Being Grown-Ups,” Vanity Fair commemorated in a GIF-laden post.
GIF tributes on Buzzfeed and the like, you begin embracing that TV character you spent so long trying to shake.
GIF-able when he goes jogging in sweatpants, if you know what I mean.
But underneath the perfect body, inimitable voice, and made-for-GIF dance moves, Beyoncé is just like anyone else.
The GFY (pronounced “jiffy”) is essentially a more technologically advanced version of the ubiquitous GIF.
It is good, Miss Lu, to have a kind papa, rich enough to gif you all things needful for a young lady to wear.
"Gif heem all you got," Anderson, a big Scandinavian and particularly fond of Rouse, yelled.
It gif me a cholt, Matt, ven you saidt dose t'ings vas bearls, und I recollectioned vat vas saidt in der note about bearls.
Gif dem blenty pomb und der sicnal vatch for, und ven it vas gif shoot und kill und spare nopoddy!
I say, 'Nein, vait, gif der wretched beoples some chance to be safe.