[ puh-lag-ruh, -ley-gruh, -lah- ]
, Pathology.
- a disease caused by a deficiency of niacin in the diet, characterized by skin changes, severe nerve dysfunction, mental symptoms, and diarrhea.
/ -ˈlæ-; pəˈleɪɡrə /
- pathol a disease caused by a dietary deficiency of nicotinic acid, characterized by burning or itching often followed by scaling of the skin, inflammation of the mouth, diarrhoea, mental impairment, etc
/ pə-lăg′rə,-lā′grə /
- A disease caused by a lack of niacin in the diet, characterized by skin and digestive disorders and mental deterioration.
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Derived Forms
- pelˈlagrous, adjective
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Other Words From
- pel·lagrose pel·lagrous adjective
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Word History and Origins
Origin of pellagra1
1805–15; < Italian < New Latin: skin disease, equivalent to pell ( is ) skin + -agra < Greek ágra seizure
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Word History and Origins
Origin of pellagra1
C19: via Italian from pelle skin + -agra, from Greek agra paroxysm
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Example Sentences
The Italian disease, pellagra, manifests the features one would expect from an improper food taken under unhygienic conditions.
From Project Gutenberg
Usually, where a mixed diet with meat is possible, pellagra never appears.
From Project Gutenberg
The firm quotes but one paper (which is a very uncritical report) in regard to pellagra.
From Project Gutenberg
(c) Arrange a well balanced diet for pellagra in which forty grams of protein shall come from milk, meat or eggs.
From Project Gutenberg
The accumulated evidence is increasingly opposed to Sambon's hypothesis of the transmission of pellagra by Simulium.
From Project Gutenberg