

View synonyms for riffraff


[ rif-raf ]


  1. people, or a group of people, regarded as disreputable or worthless:

    a pack of riffraff.

  2. the lowest classes; rabble:

    the riffraff of the city.

  3. trash; rubbish.


  1. worthless, disreputable, or trashy.


/ ˈrɪfˌræf /


  1. worthless people, esp collectively; rabble
  2. dialect.
    worthless rubbish
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of riffraff1

1425–75; late Middle English rif and raf every particle, things of small value < Old French rif et raf, formed on rifler to spoil ( rifle 2 ), raffler to ravage, snatch away
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Word History and Origins

Origin of riffraff1

C15 rif and raf , from Old French rif et raf ; related to rifler to plunder, and rafle a sweeping up; see rifle ², raffle
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Example Sentences

Then, the specific one that a scientist wants to study is separated from the riffraff by magnets that redirect particles based on their mass and electric charge.

You’re going to keep out a lot of the riffraff by making it harder to break iPhones.

We are trying to digest the riffraff of the world, and can't do it, in spite of such incorrigible optimists as Judge Leslie.

Here all the riffraff that had been unable to establish itself in better quarters had found some sort of a haven.

For goodness sake, dont get any more riffraff into our class!

Ample proof, however, exists that they were but the riffraff of the Order.

From my window where I am writing I can see how insolent the attitude of this Mohammedan riffraff is becoming.




