
[ rahynd ]
See synonyms for rind on Thesaurus.com
  1. a thick and firm outer coat or covering, as of certain fruits, cheeses, and meats: watermelon rind; orange rind; bacon rind.

  2. the bark of a tree.

Origin of rind

before 900; Middle English, Old English rind(e) tree bark, crust; cognate with German Rinde

Other words from rind

  • rindless, adjective
  • rindy, adjective

Other definitions for rind (2 of 2)


or rynd

[ rahynd, rind ]

  1. a piece of iron running across an upper millstone as a support.

Origin of rind

1300–50; Middle English rynd; cognate with Middle Dutch rijn,Middle Low German rīn

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use rind in a sentence

  • Rindy was in his hands, and when I knew Rakhal, he hadn't been given to making idle threats.

    The Door Through Space | Marion Zimmer Bradley
  • They surveyed my scarred face with neither curiosity or fear, and it occurred to me that Rindy might be such another as these.

    The Door Through Space | Marion Zimmer Bradley
  • Rindy began to struggle noiselessly, kicking and whimpering, but Miellyn took two quick steps, and flung an inner door open.

    The Door Through Space | Marion Zimmer Bradley
  • Behind the closed door Rindy broke into angry screams, but I put my back against the door.

    The Door Through Space | Marion Zimmer Bradley
  • They didn't, but with Rindy's help Miellyn managed, and while they were out of the room Rakhal explained briefly.

    The Door Through Space | Marion Zimmer Bradley

British Dictionary definitions for rind


/ (raɪnd) /

  1. a hard outer layer or skin on bacon, cheese, etc

  2. the outer layer of a fruit or of the spore-producing body of certain fungi

  1. the outer layer of the bark of a tree

Origin of rind

Old English rinde; Old High German rinta, German Rinde

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012