

View synonyms for school board

school board


  1. a local board or committee in charge of public education.

school board


  1. (formerly in Britain) an elected board of ratepayers who provided local elementary schools between 1870 and 1902
  2. (in the US and Canada) a local board of education
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of school board1

First recorded in 1820–30
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Example Sentences

The school board met earlier this month to discuss the recommendations and had planned to vote on a final 2021-2022 school calendar.

She and New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker, who holds a seat on the school board, favored a hybrid approach that would enable face-to-face learning two days a week.

Technically, local school boards make those decisions, while the state provides resources and guidance.

Standardized testing occasionally made an appearance in American schools in the second half of the 20th century, but the tests were selected and used at the will of state and local school boards.

So again that power always has rested with the local school boards to make that decision, but our office, the governor’s office, does everything we can to provide resources and guidance and support to help them in making those decisions.

A Buddhist family sued Sabine Parish School Board for violating their right to religious freedom.

But it arguably scored an emotionally more important win in Bridgeport, Conn., where it took over the school board.

“Early on, back when [de Blasio] was just on the school board, we saw him as someone we could hitch our wagon to,” Cantor said.

And San Diego has a collaborative approach where the school board worked with the principals and superintendents.

The turnout in such votes typically resembles the turnout in off-year school-board elections.

Macnamara, the man 'oo polled the 'ighest votes in the School Board Election—and look at him now!

It reminded him sharply of some teachers' committee about to beard a school-board with an unpopular and expensive recommendation.

She is president of the school board here in the city, and she is also a member of the city council.

Agriculturists of all shades of political opinions are usually averse to a School Board.

He served on the school board for several years and has ever been a champion of the cause of public education.


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