or sho·phar
[ shoh-fer; Sephardic Hebrew shaw-fahr; Ashkenazic Hebrew shoh-fuhr, shoh-fahr ]
, Judaism.
, plural sho·fars, Hebrew sho·froth, sho·frot, sho·fros [shaw-, frawt, shoh, -f, r, ohs, shoh-, frohs],
- a ram's horn blown as a wind instrument, sounded in Biblical times chiefly to communicate signals in battle and announce certain religious occasions and in modern times chiefly at synagogue services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
/ ˈʃəʊfɑː; ʃɔˈfar /
- Judaism a ram's horn sounded in the synagogue daily during the month of Elul and repeatedly on Rosh Hashanah, and by the ancient Israelites as a warning, summons, etc
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Word History and Origins
Origin of shofar1
First recorded in 1860–65, from Hebrew shōphār “ram's horn”
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Word History and Origins
Origin of shofar1
from Hebrew shōphār ram's horn
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Example Sentences
The sounds of the shofar are very peculiar and harsh, quite unlike the notes of any modern instrument.
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The shrill call of the Shofar, or the soft sense-enslaving tones of the organ?
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Dr. Beigel has made a most singular discovery concerning the tones of the shofar.
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In the first place it never thunders at Tabernacles, and secondly, after the Rebbe's Shofar-blowing!
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Then show the class a shofar or a picture of one and ask, "What is this?"
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