
[ stur-frahy ]
See synonyms for stir-fry on
verb (used with object),stir-fried, stir-fry·ing.
  1. to cook (food) quickly by cutting into small pieces and stirring constantly in a lightly oiled wok or frying pan over high heat: a common method of Chinese cooking: Stir-fry the shrimp until it is cooked, then add the rice and egg mixture.

  1. a dish of meat, vegetables, etc., that have been cooked over a high heat in a lightly oiled wok or frying pan: A stir-fry with chicken and vegetables is an easy weeknight meal.

  1. cooked in a lightly oiled wok or frying pan over high heat; stir-fried: This spice blend is made to taste great on all kinds of stir-fry dishes.

Origin of stir-fry

First recorded in 1955–60 Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for stir-fry


/ (ˈstɜːˈfraɪ) /

verb-fries, -frying or -fried
  1. to cook (small pieces of meat, vegetables, etc) rapidly by stirring them in a wok or frying pan over a high heat: used esp for Chinese food

nounplural -fries
  1. a dish cooked in this way

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