
[ noun sur-chahrj; verb sur-chahrj, sur-chahrj ]
See synonyms for surcharge on
  1. an additional charge, tax, or cost.

  2. an excessive sum or price charged.

  1. an additional or excessive load or burden.

  2. Philately.

    • an overprint that alters or restates the face value or denomination of a stamp to which it has been applied.

    • a stamp bearing such an overprint.

  3. act of surcharging.

verb (used with object),sur·charged, sur·charg·ing.
  1. to subject to an additional or extra charge, tax, cost, etc. (for payment).

  2. to overcharge for goods.

  1. to show an omission in (an account) of something that operates as a charge against the accounting party; to omit a credit toward (an account).

  2. Philately. to print a surcharge on (a stamp).

  3. to put an additional or excessive burden upon.

Origin of surcharge

1400–50; late Middle English surchargen (v.) <Old French surcharger.See sur-1, charge

Other words from surcharge

  • sur·charg·er, noun
  • un·sur·charged, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use surcharge in a sentence

  • What, mainly, occupied Lee Randon was the nakedness of the passion everywhere surcharging the surface of life.

    Cytherea | Joseph Hergesheimer
  • The surcharging was begun and the letter cards so treated were issued as early as February, 1899.

  • The surcharging spleen of the audience began to break in a murmuring, humming, and buzzing, from centre to gallery.

  • The perfume of the flowers, heavily surcharging the dewless air, seemed to awaken and impress her.

    In the Valley | Harold Frederic
  • It was the man, a leader of inspiration and genius, surcharging them all with electrical fire.

    The Scouts of Stonewall | Joseph A. Altsheler

British Dictionary definitions for surcharge


  1. a charge in addition to the usual payment, tax, etc

  2. an excessive sum charged, esp when unlawful

  1. an extra and usually excessive burden or supply

  2. law the act or an instance of surcharging

  3. an overprint that alters the face value of a postage stamp

verb(sɜːˈtʃɑːdʒ, ˈsɜːˌtʃɑːdʒ) (tr)
  1. to charge an additional sum, tax, etc

  2. to overcharge (a person) for something

  1. to put an extra physical burden upon; overload

  2. to fill to excess; overwhelm

  3. law to insert credits that have been omitted in (an account)

  4. to overprint a surcharge on (a stamp)

Derived forms of surcharge

  • surcharger, noun

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012