
View synonyms for whistle


[ wis-uhl, hwis- ]

verb (used without object)

, whis·tled, whis·tling.
  1. to make a clear musical sound, a series of such sounds, or a high-pitched, warbling sound by the forcible expulsion of the breath through a small opening formed by contracting the lips, or through the teeth, with the aid of the tongue.
  2. to make such a sound or series of sounds otherwise, as by blowing on some device.
  3. to emit similar sounds from the mouth, as birds do.
  4. (of a device) to produce a similar sound when actuated by steam or the like:

    This teakettle whistles when it boils.

  5. to move, go, pass, etc., with a whistling or whizzing sound, as a bullet or the wind.

verb (used with object)

, whis·tled, whis·tling.
  1. to produce by whistling:

    to whistle a tune.

  2. to call, direct, or signal by or as by whistling:

    He whistled his dog over.

  3. to send with a whistling or whizzing sound.


  1. an instrument for producing whistling sounds by means of the breath, steam, etc., as a small wooden or tin tube, a pipe, or a similar device with an air chamber containing a small ball that oscillates when air is forced through an opening, producing a high-pitched, warbling tone.
  2. a sound produced by whistling:

    a prolonged whistle of astonishment.

  3. a simple fipple flute.

verb phrase

  1. to demand or expect without success:

    After promising to pay, he told us we could whistle for our money.


/ ˈwɪsəl /


  1. to produce (shrill or flutelike musical sounds), as by passing breath through a narrow constriction most easily formed by the pursed lips

    he whistled a melody

  2. tr to signal, summon, or command by whistling or blowing a whistle

    the referee whistled the end of the game

  3. (of a kettle, train, etc) to produce (a shrill sound) caused by the emission of steam through a small aperture
  4. intr to move with a whistling sound caused by rapid passage through the air
  5. (of animals, esp birds) to emit (a shrill sound) resembling human whistling
  6. whistle in the dark
    to try to keep up one's confidence in spite of fear
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. a device for making a shrill high-pitched sound by means of air or steam under pressure
  2. a shrill sound effected by whistling
  3. a whistling sound, as of a bird, bullet, the wind, etc
  4. a signal, warning, command, etc, transmitted by or as if by a whistle
  5. the act of whistling
  6. music any pipe that is blown down its end and produces sounds on the principle of a flue pipe, usually having as a mouthpiece a fipple cut in the side
  7. wet one's whistle informal.
    to take an alcoholic drink
  8. blow the whistle informal.
    usually foll by on
    1. to inform (on)
    2. to bring a stop (to)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Other Words From

  • whis·tle·a·ble adjective
  • in·ter·whis·tle verb (used with object) interwhistled interwhistling
  • un·whis·tled adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of whistle1

First recorded before 950; (verb) Middle English whistlen, Old English hwistlian; akin to Old Norse hvīsla “to whistle,” hviskra “to whisper”; whine; (noun) Middle English; Old English hwistle “instrument,” akin to the verb
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Word History and Origins

Origin of whistle1

Old English hwistlian; related to Old Norse hvīsla
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Idioms and Phrases

  1. blow the whistle on,
    1. to bring a stop to; halt:

      Congress has blown the whistle on all unnecessary expenditures for the program.

    2. to expose (wrongdoing or wrongdoers):

      to blow the whistle on corruption in high places.

  2. blow the whistle, to expose the existence of mischief or wrongdoing:

    The agent was taking bribes until someone finally blew the whistle.

  3. wet one's whistle, Informal. to take a drink.
  4. whistle in the dark, to attempt to summon up one's courage or optimism in a difficult situation:

    He says his business will improve next year, but he's probably just whistling in the dark.

  5. whistle past the graveyard. whistle past the graveyard.

More idioms and phrases containing whistle

  • blow the whistle on
  • clean as a whistle
  • slick as a whistle
  • wet one's whistle
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Example Sentences

Root cells release malic acid, which acts like a shepherd’s whistle.

Influencers, who are paid by brands to promote their products to their thousands of followers, generally agree that Reels lacks some of the bells and whistles of TikTok.

From Fortune

There’s no whistle, bell, or any other serious notification of when the harmless pre-ejaculate ends and the fluids of fatherhood begin.

From Ozy

Snarky Alexis may have had a ritzy Rolls-Royce, but today’s Sentra—completely redesigned for 2020—offers a lot more bells and whistles.

Yet offense continued to rule even once the whistles became less frequent.

“Clean as a whistle,” says a senior investigator involved in the case.

But admit it: at the first whistle, we all paid attention, to a part of the world that would usually prefer us all to butt out.

He is on trial along with three others, and Bogucki is blowing the whistle on government practices he says are not fair play.

Not a lot of air tooting that whistle, no matter what the video would lead viewers to believe.

And yep, the flag can be used in dog whistle fashion to signal a position on “those blacks.”

Robert uttered a shrill, piercing whistle which might have been heard back at the wharf.

Goodell paused in the doorway and emitted a whistle of surprise at sight of a horse in one of the stalls.

Then he goes out, gits into his Pullman section, blows his punkin whistle and departs.

He only tore himself from her reluctant arms as the final whistle sounded from the engine.

In a lull of the raging earth the distant whistle of the train could be distinctly heard.


Related Words

Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.




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