Emoji dictionary

🌎 Globe Showing Americas

[ glohb shoh-ing uh-mer-i-kuhs ih-moh-jee ]

What does 🌎  Globe Showing Americas emoji mean?

The Globe Showing Americas emoji 🌎  depicts a globe positioned to show the continents of North and South America. It is commonly used to represent Earth, the world, international politics, conservationism, or the national pride of North and South Americans. On April 22, the Globe Showing Americas emoji 🌎  is used in celebrations of Earth Day. In this context, it is often accompanied by the hashtag #EarthDay and may be used with the Globe Showing Europe-Africa emoji 🌍  and the Globe Showing Asia-Australia emoji 🌏..

Related words

Earth Day, 🌏 Globe Showing Asia-Australia, 🌍 Globe Showing Europe-Africa

Where does 🌎 Globe Showing Americas come from?

The Globe Showing Americas emoji 🌎  was approved under Unicode 6.0 in 2010. On most major platforms, the emoji resembles a globe of Earth with the continents of North and South America facing the viewer. The Apple, Samsung, WhatsApp, and Facebook versions of the emoji have additional shading to make the emoji appear spherical.

Frequently, the Globe Showing Americas emoji 🌎  is used generally to represent Earth. In this case, the emoji is used interchangeably with the other two globe emoji. This is especially the case on Earth Day, when even people on continents not shown on the emoji use it to wish others a happy Earth Day.

Unsurprisingly, most people from North and South America will choose this specific globe emoji over the other two. Considering the large number of American users on United States-based social media outlets such as Twitter and Facebook, the Globe Showing Americas emoji 🌎  appears slightly more often than the other globe emoji. When this emoji is used to express national pride, it may be accompanied by a national flag emoji of the user’s country of origin.

Examples of 🌎 Globe Showing Americas

Wow it's so gorgeous out this planet amazes me everyday 🌸❀️🌎
@ArianaGrande, April 28, 2013
I’m mad at the world today. No real reason, just am. Forgive me, world! 🌎
@kathygriffin, July 10, 2020

Who uses 🌎 Globe Showing Americas?

Sometimes, the Globe Showing Americas emoji 🌎  is used generally to refer to Earth or the whole world.

On April 22, the Globe Showing Americas emoji 🌎 is used to wish others a happy Earth Day.

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This is not meant to be a formal definition of 🌎 Globe Showing Americas like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of 🌎 Globe Showing Americas that will help our users expand their word mastery.